Aug 11, 2018

Megalodon Shark Nails featuring Live Love Polish Midnight Mako

Greetings, y'all! Anyone going to see a movie this weekend? I'm probably seeing the new shark flick The Meg either today or tomorrow. Hoping it'll be cheesy fun. A level above Sharknado in production quality and a few levels above Shark Attack 3: Megalodon in terms of, oh, virtually everything. I mean, take a gander at this:

Okay, okay, there is a charm to slapdash special effects fail. That being said, let's be honest. A shark attack movie is seldom genuinely good. Name three outside of the original Jaws. At least have it be cheesy fun. Even Archie Comics eventually got into the Sharknado fun.

I'm not joking.
But shark talk ain't what you're here for, is it? I'll stop. Promise. Anyway, nails.

I didn't get to read the novel The Meg is based on in time, but I did feel inspired enough to come up with nails to tie the occasion.

Shark Nails, whoo!

I'm not skilled in freehand nail art, and it shows. My big fish is lopsided. But I did what I could and that's what matters.

Live Love Polish Midnight Mako, sunlight
My base polish is a thermal from Live Love Polish's Shark Week 2018 collection. Midnight Mako is officially described as "dark blue when cold and light blue when warm with holographic flakes and glitter." I got it opaque in two coats. Unfortunately, my shark has obscured the thermal effect on most of my left hand, but I can get it to react on my left thumb and other hand. It reacts to cold very well.

Every day they're out there making Shark Nails, whoo!
As for the actual Meg, I originally thought I'd do my middle and pointer finger, but ultimately figured that I was gonna need a bigger canvas. I used cheap nail art brushes for everything but the eyes, which I used a cheap dotting tool with. Her (yes, my shark is a girl) body is OPI Cement the Deal, her teeth OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls, mouth and eyes Essie After School Boy Blazer, and gums OPI Coca-Cola Red.

Not pony tails or cotton tails, but Shark Nails, whoo!
It was fun crafting my lopsided Meg. That's what nail art is supposed to be, right? Fun?

Look at how adorable the box it came in is!
The Live Love Polish Shark Week 2018 collection is sold out and discontinued, but you can easily find them in destashes since they were recently released. Otherwise, Live Love Polish is sold here.

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